Day 181 -Went back to the mountains and I saw white. I was so happy to finally see some snow. I was able to take a few other photos with the nice overcast light. (March 14, 2017)

Day 181 -Went back to the mountains and I saw white. I was so happy to finally see some snow. I was able to take a few other photos with the nice overcast light. (March 14, 2017)
Day 180 -Well if my math is right, then here we are. It’s been a long break since posting and I hope to post the past days as I move forward. I got discouraged for many reasons, but it’s not reason to give up. So I’m just starting here. What better way to get motivated […]
Day 058 -Sunset in the Smokies. Enough said. (November 12, 2016)
Day 032 -Playing around with my flowers and macro. I thought it was interesting and always fun trying new things. (October 17, 206)
Day 011 -I must be on a nature kick or something, but found a bunch of spider webs hanging on a bridge. It was very windy, and I was impressed by how strong they were to hold up. (September 26, 2016)
Day 009 -Watching a flurry of birds feeding at a bird feeder on my friend’s back deck. This isn’t the sharpest photo, but I just liked the blur and motion. Not all of them are perfect, but that’s the fun of the project. (September 24, 2016)
Day 123 -So between not doing much except trying to adjust and pictures of things on bases are kind of sensitive, I ended up with this flower. When in doubt, go with a flower. -JANUARY 6
Day 071 -This morning was another great sunrise, however it’s hard to photograph when you’re running late for work. I just snapped away hoping to get something. I really liked this one because it reminded me of a Pollock painting. So in honor of him and the Stone Roses, I’m titling this one, “JY #5” […]
Day 069 -Just enjoying nature today. -NOVEMBER 13
Day004 -Flower, water, reflection… check. Just enjoying nature in the neighborhood. -SEPTEMBER 9