Day 058 -Sunset in the Smokies. Enough said. (November 12, 2016)

Day 058 -Sunset in the Smokies. Enough said. (November 12, 2016)
Day 232 -Someone said there was going to be a partial lunar eclipse, so naturally it seems like a worth while photo. Plus I knew one of my youngest fans would really like it. So this one’s for them. -APRIL 25
Day 223 -Working a late day but had a break and you can never go wrong with a helicopter and a sunset. -APRIL 16
Day 222 -Another big thanx to Tom and Jenn Pott for the gloves and balls. It is a huge stress relief a few min a day to get out have a catch. I also set up the newest addition to my bag, a GoPro. Thanks to the time-lapse feature I had a 140 images to […]
Day 214 -Had a glorious day relaxing during a spa day at the Kepinsky hotel. It was a tough week, so it couldn’t have come at a better time. On my way out I snapped this little gem. -APRIL 7
Day 207 -It was an early morning for this shot, but then I realized what I was celebrating and little loss of sleep seemed pretty insignificant. Happy Easter everyone. -MARCH 31
Day 203 -Most of the water from the flood has gone away and the mud is drying up and made for an interesting shop as the sun was coming up. So much so, that I saw it on my way back from the shower and had to come back with my camera. I’m usually not […]
Day 197 -If you’re new to the daily photo, I have given up color for Lent. I got some great software by Nik that helps with black and white processing. I had a photo picked out and I just figured I’d try this one for the heck of it. Once changed over it really came […]
Day 184 -Another great day in Africa. I went on a reflective walk as part of observance of Lent with the chaplains and local Christians in the real deal African desert. It was great time to reflect and wonder the desert like the mighty JC did. I was walking out there when Jason Gray reminded […]
Day 179 -A nice little Jetty that is fun to walk out on. You can see all the ships coming into Africa’s largest deep water port. As always it was a beautiful day, but the hot will be coming soon.