Tag Archives | Djibouti

Day 283

Day 283 -We had a visitor that showed up at our office today.  He was very disappointed to find out that we had no need for car insurance.  He decided just to hang out for a while and try to absorb the cool from the air conditioner through the glass.  Just and FYI today was […]

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Day 268

Day 268 -So there we were driving out to a video shoot and we spotted the mysterious goat in a tree.  We came to a screeching halt and I jumped out with my camera before it was too late.  I almost felt guilty taking the photo because my roommate has been wanting this since we […]

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Day 259

Day 259 -Out today looking for a place to film our news cast and grabbed this photo of my buddy Turbo walking across a land bridge to an island.  It is one of those beautiful places most people don’t know about.  -MAY 22

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Day 242

Day 242 -Out and about and just found a nice spot for a picture of a boat.  Reminds of a day me and Joshua were taking pics of the Queen Mary II.  -MAY 6

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Day 235

Day 235 -Pirate Jonny is back at the sails again, but there was no sea.  Today was another adventure as I went out to the Grand Bara desert for land sailing.  It was a really neat experience.  Lesson of the day.  Experience life because in the end it’s those experiences will be all you have. […]

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Day 234

Day 234 -Had a great sunset and happen to be away from the fences, walls, and barbed wire.  You gotta take advantage of it when you can. -APRIL 27

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Day 228

Day 228 -Today was an adventure to the lowest point in Africa, Lake Assal.  It’s also the saltiest body of water on the planet with the exception of some place in Antarctica.  You can’t sink no matter how hard you try.  You just sit back and the salt makes it like a recliner.  It was […]

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Day 224

Day 224 -Well she you are taking in your laundry with your camera and the gals ask to have their picture taken, you take it.  This one is dedicated to Johara and Saida for doing such a great job with my laundry. -APRIL 17

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I am JOYO or Jonathan Young -- a photographer, videographer, adventurer, and man about town. With a background in advertising and marketing, my skills lend towards commercial work, but I’ll do anything that involves imagery. anything that involves imagery.